Thigpen Enterprises, Inc

Free Sample Code

About Us

Thigpen Enterprises, Inc. (TEI) was incorporated in central Florida in June of 1999 by Tony Thigpen. Tony Thigpen has been involved with VSE since 1981. Our first product was VSE2PDF which was released mid-1999. In April of 2004, we added an optional encryption facility VSE2PDF/Secure to our VSE2PDF product. We decided to fully enter the encryption arena with our data encription product Dino-Protect in May of 2005.

In addition to our own products, TEI co-authored the IPv6/VSE product offered by Barnard Software, Inc. (BSI). Many of our Free Sample Code files are related to using TCIP/IP from COBOL applications. You can find a link to BSI by clicking on the Friends on the Web link below.

In addition to providing our standard products, TEI also offers custom IP applications in either COBOL or Assembler. We can also be contracted to assist your programmers in the area of IP programming.